Surrendering Motherhood, Life LessonsShannon BricknerMarch 5, 2018nycmom, motherhood, veganmom, spiritjunkie, fitmomComment
Birth of a Mother of 2 MotherhoodShannon BricknerFebruary 28, 2018birthstory, newborn, naturalbirth, motherhoodComment
Book Review: Spontaneous Happiness Healthy ConceptsShannon BricknerOctober 13, 2017books, wellness, happiness, motherhoodComment
On Violence Motherhood, Life ContemplationsShannon BricknerOctober 12, 2017motherhood, toughquestions, values Comment
Meet Me Here...The Past 4 Months Motherhood, Life Lessons, MunchkinShannon BricknerMarch 9, 2016motherhoodComment
Food Source Recipes, Munchkin, MotherhoodShannon BricknerOctober 27, 2015motherhood, nutrition, recipes, shakeology, gluten free, veganComment